photo credit: Mickey Rourke Grunge Poster Concept via photopin (license)

Awesome Ashby

This is an under the radar kick ass flick. Ashby is a coming of age movie with some familiar themes. By rights this should be a flop considering the cast and the distribution. It’s the modern day equivalent of a straight-to-video release that should develop a cult following. The story follows a high school nerd…

Pixels Perfect !!

Many of you may not know that my faith in Adam Sandler has been weaning these past 8 years or so. Movies like Funny People began the downward spiral and the now legendarily bad (almost Gigli level bad) Jack and Jill killed the once shining star. Now, let me pause a moment and say I…

Jurassic World: #1 Blockbuster

Jurassic World is everything it needs to be. While that may not sound like the beginning of a glowing review however it is an important start. Over twenty-two years since the first installment opened big in the summer of 93 we have a genuine sequel. This latest version, though reminiscent of the original brings back…